Work Experience Students, July 2024

Having been joined at HQ with school experience students in July, I thought that I too would reflect on what they had been asked to consider: What have you learnt?

Prior to the students arrival there is much to do: the necessary (emergency information, H&S documentation, review and circulate the risk assessments) and the exciting: plan a timetable of real and meaningful experiences, which requires co-ordinating between the different departments. For any company, good communication verbal/ non-verbal and written, are all critically important and giving students opportunity to speak up in the different scenarios, including meetings was an important opportunity.

Relating to others
The opportunity for the students to communicate in ‘real situations’: attend meetings, be invited to contribute, work as a team, understand the different roles staff play within the greater team. Linking to the company ISO 9001:2015 QMS and the bigger picture of happy customers is key to success. Vital lessons!

The ability to use one’s initiative – give it a go, what about…, can you…?? Giving opportunity for the students to try something new, maybe find it a challenge, ask for support, conquer! What an achievement when they can say: I solved it… I did it… ‘I made that!’

Thinking skills
The opportunity to apply skills to real situations, outside their comfort zone. To be given new tasks, to have to make choices and to have to justify these. For the company offering the right level of stretch to challenge and to ensure our young people are successful.

The result? Great feedback:

‘I have gained knowledge in multiple sectors such as finance and technical and learnt about the workplace environment.’

I asked what was your favourite part of your experience working at Thermco?
‘Everything… the best part was working on the electrical user interfaces, programming something that would actually be used was amazing.

‘It was also very nice to gain both knowledge and hands on experience’

Then there is the interest in coming back as an apprentice in the future!

Thank you to the amazing Thermco team for supporting this worthwhile experience for these students – a great opportunity for the young people of tomorrow made possible through the willingness and opportunity that you have provided. Great work everyone.